Resighini Rancheria Ghost Casino

After shooting all morning in Chetco Park, we headed south and stopped at the Resighini Casino which is just off 101 south of the Klamath River. Abandoned, but curiously enough with the air conditioning running. At our monthly D’Art meeting, Bosha brought in some work she’d done at a Wabi Sabi workshop in Mendocino. Not my cup of tea. But, it got me to playing with a photo of this casino. And this is what happened. As usual, click on image for a more detailed version.

Turquoise Tree Frog in Rose


This was a photograph of a green tree frog in a rose in my front yard that I converted to B&W.   I then colored it with only three colors using the new glazing brushes in Corel Painter 2017.   Turquoise had really been on my mind this morning, hence the choice of color.  The overall image was a little flat so I added the luminosity and saturation of the original photograph to complete the transformation.